Okay so I used to love the band Death Grips... Not anymore....
So, one day I was listening to my favorite band ,Death Grips, while I was at my local record store. I saw a vinyl labelled ''JENNY DEATH,'' I did not have the vinyl for ''Jenny Death'' (an album by Death Grips) so I bought it.
The store owner said, "YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING DIE KID"
I said, "Thanks Man."
I walked home and I put the vinyl in my record player. The only thing that played was something spoken backwards. It was MC Ride saying in a monotone voice a hidden site on and after it played my speakers started churning out blood, which I thought was fucking kick ASS, I went to the site on and I saw a picture of MC Ride, Flatlander, and Zach all doing a shit circle around a dead child. There was a link called ''JENNY LIFE'', I clicked on it and a file downloaded to my computer called ''JENNYLIFE.mp3'' and I gave it a listen. It opened up on Windows Media Player and the album picture was MC Ride with his wiener out and he was writing I LOVE ANIME AND PUSSY on his dingaling. the song was Why A Bitch Gotta Lie but backwards and then Anthony Fantano came out of my computer and he said "I GIVE YOUR DEATH A SOLID 10" and he sliced my neck with a vinyl record of ''The Money Store'' and I died and I saw MC Ride and the Death Grips and we all had gay poopy buttsecks and Cal Chuchesta was there and he said "ANTHONYYYYYYYYYYY" and then the skeleton of Bjork came out and started shitting on the floor. THE END